Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Oscars' big plot twist: 10 best-picture nominees, not 5 - Los Angeles Times

Oscars' big plot twist: 10 best-picture nominees, not 5 - Los Angeles Times

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1 comment:

  1. Has the Academy lost its mind? I don't see five good movies a year, much less ten. It's just one more object lesson in proof of the fact that the Oscars are irrelevant. Brando had the right idea: he stayed home and sent a Native American woman to make a speech about cowboys and "Injuns." Perhaps when eligibility is expanded to allow foreign films into the Best Picture category, the Awards will at least be somewhat more meaningful. I feel the same way about the Oscars that I do about "Special Features" extras on DVD'S. The film speaks for itself. The awards are superfluous.
